Enabling industrial companies unlock the hidden value of their data

Who We Are

InDHu - Industrial Data Hub, has been created by an international team of highly experienced Digital Transformation professionals from data and industrial operations backgrounds. We are passionate about building a culture of collaboration and empowerment to our customers by delivering highly effective data transformations that solve real business challenges.


Why We’re Here

Our mission is to help mid-cap companies unlock the hidden value of their data. We focus on helping them accessing cutting-edge data technologies that were previously only accessible to FTSE 100 companies. As a team, we have a long history of delivering transformations at scale and demonstrated real business value for industrial companies worldwide.

We know that every company can access increased performance and intelligence by unlocking the full potential of their data. We understand that SMEs have considerable high-growth potential to succeed in creating value from data and improving bottom-lines by a few margin points through implementing fast proven solutions.


What We Do

We enable mid-cap companies to create and deploy these experiences quickly and affordably with proven solutions to deliver bottom-line impact.

From best-of-breed open-source lab tools to state-of-the-art industrial solutions including Palantir’s Foundry platform, we deliver highly valuable use cases in a secure, flexible and sustainable manner with record lead times. 

Delivering Proven Operational Results in Weeks, Not Years.

— InDHu Team

Frequently Asked Questions


+ Who are your clients?

  • This is a newly formed company, we have just created this solution for market based on our experience with hundrend of solutions & customers worldwide. We're currently working on MVPs & prototyping with different international mid-cap industrial companies to prove value in weeks, not years.

+ What kind of data can InDHU connect to?

  • The use-case and the problem definition defines the scale, not the technology. We can connect to any data at any scale. We integrate heterogeneous data from disparate #structured, #unstructured, and semi-structured sources to generate value.

+ When do we start seeing value from your solution?

  • We achieve 2-digits improvements in weeks, not years. Our clients experience rapid improvements in operational efficiency, resulting in significant, quantifiable cost benefits within a short space of time.


Take the next step

Meet the InDHu team and see what’s it like to partner or work with us!